Can a company support cancer prevention?

Mention for Prevention — Building awareness in Reply

Reply U
3 min readFeb 4, 2020


Inform, challenge and act

What do you know about cancer prevention? Not that much? You’re not the only one. Cancer prevention is an important topic for every single one of us — and still, many people do not engage in it.

Therefore, Reply started an initiative to build awareness among all employees. And today, February 4th, honouring the World Cancer Day, we tell you this story.

“Mention for Prevention”

In November — the international month dedicated to male cancer prevention — Reply shaped “Movember” with many different events and challenges.

A questionnaire to test the Employees’ knowledge about cancer prevention

The Moustache Challenge — Let your MO’ grow wild!

The Movement Challenge — Let’s start moving together!

The questionnaire was the initial contact point to see how well informed Replyers are on their lifestyle and its impact on cancer.

Additionally, we’ve provided our employees with information related to the different country and working-contracts benefits for check-ups and cancer prevention packages.

How much do you know about the health benefits in your country? Regular check-ups are the best prevention!

Nothing’s better than a Challenge!

Supporting the Movember Foundation, Reply took part in the Moustache Challenge. All Replyers were called upon letting their MO’ grow wild, taking a pic and posting it on the intranet and on Instagram, with the #LifeAtReply and #Movember.

During the challenge men also had the opportunity to visit a Barber Corner in the offices in London, Milan, Rome and Turin in order to adjust the style of their MO’. Since Reply covered the costs of this beauty service everyone had the chance to contribute with a donation to the Movember Foundation as “Reply Team”.

For the Movement Challenge, the goal for the employees was to walk or run an average of 7.000 steps or 5 km a day during November — that’s 210.000 steps or 150 km in total. To prove they had reached the distance all sporty people shared their Health App pics in the Reply intranet.

What about you?

Is there any awesome and inspiring initiative you want to share? Let us know the best company driven or public activities. Today is the best day to do it!



Reply U

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