For a better environment

Reply U
2 min readMay 20, 2020

One month ago, on April 22, was the 50th anniversary of the International Mother Earth Day.

Each year the Earth Day has a different theme — in 2020 it was “Climate Action”. Since the protection of our planet and the wellbeing of people are the top priorities also for Reply, we took the slogan literally and took action.

Paint a Tree, Plant a Tree

Under the motto: “Paint a Tree, Plant a Tree” we started to collect paintings, drawings, and other artworks that show a tree or plant. The promise: For each masterpiece Reply donates one Tree to Treedom.

And the participation was mind-blowing. In only one week Replyers gathered 80 trees. So we were able to create our very own Reply-Forest! ;) But 80 trees weren’t enough for Reply.

Because we care for the environment, Reply donated 350 Trees in the Reply Forest around the whole world.

How to go greener

Human health and planetary health are linked: to protect one, we must protect the other. But how can we achieve that?

Follow our 8 simple steps for a start:

  1. Cut back on plastic consumption.
  2. Unplug appliances and when not in use and turn off the lights when leaving the room.
  3. Stop drinking out of plastic water bottles.
  4. Use eco-friendly products to clean your house, clothes, dishes and yourself.
  5. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  6. Don’t use plastic bags. Go grocery shopping with a reusable textile bag or a backpack.
  7. Reduce food-waste and consider waste separation.
  8. Plant wildflowers and plants that attract bees and butterflies. They pollinate your plants for more flowers and food.

And you? How is your company or university supporting nature?

Stay tuned, we want to tell you more about the #LifeAtReply. Stay strong and safe, you all!



Reply U

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