Fully digital

Reply U
4 min readMar 18, 2020


In the Chinese language, the word “crisis” is composed of two characters, one representing danger and the other, opportunity.

With the increasingly far-reaching effects of the Covid-19, the normal working day is becoming very disrupted. Since the beginning of the pandemic, many Replyers switched to smart-working. And even though the premises are different, we remain fully functional and able to follow our business as usual. Thanks to flexibility and collaboration, we ensure that the projects are continued from home, even though kids or pets may be passing through the picture during video-calls. 😉

Do you want to learn more about smart-working and the many ways to enable your employees to stay “fully digital”? Have a look at the “Smart Working and Digital Workplace” in-depth analysis on Reply.com.

Daily routine changed a lot, but many Reply companies are dealing with the new situation by hosting regular online meetings to coordinate and simply get in touch together after a whole week at home.
How? Check this small software selection we made for you and discover the different tools we use to connect with our colleagues (and friends 😉):

  • Zoom: for Webinars and Wellness training;
  • MS Team: to coordinate work-related tasks and meetings;
  • Skype: to reach our friends and family.

And for awesome fully digital aperitifs and other tasks:

And as a bonus: WhatsApp, if you are up to 4 people.

Replyers in TamTamy rock!

Internal learning events go digital, too.

Beyond our daily work with customers, internal training plays a major role for us. All Replyers have the possibility to participate in internal learning events or to offer seminars themselves for the community. Therefore we already have lots of amazing online courses like Webinars in our knowledge sharing calendar. But not all of them were online… We changed that.

Thanks to the innovative solutions of our great Reply trainers, we converted everything we can online! In addition to our pre-existing learning events, we migrated 18 other seminars planned for the following weeks from analogue to digital. Over 30 trainers worked very hard to keep the internal learning cycle going. This offers more than 1.000 participants the opportunity to take part in online training.

The first converted online seminar was held by Elena.

The launch of these new fully online seminars was a Labcamp led by Elena, Data Scientist at Laife Reply.

Let’s ask her how she coped with the transition from live to online hands-on seminar:

- Dear Elena, what did you think when the idea came up not to postpone the Labcamp but to host it as an online session?

“I thought it was the best thing to do: It is better to keep the continuous learning and knowledge sharing machine on than to postpone all events to an indefinite future time.”

- What did you have to change/rethink for your Labcamp?

“In the hands-on session, I added more detailed written instructions, so that the attendees could be autonomous even if they missed some pieces of my explanation. For the rest I encouraged the participants to ask questions and write in the chat when they need help.”

And it worked

The participants were pleased that the seminar could take place despite all the circumstances. Of course, online learning sessions are different from face-to-face seminars. But Reply trainers like Elena do a great job in adjusting their events and offering unique possibilities to learn something new — and that in a virus-safe, remote way.

And even our wellness program is now digital.
Video calls with the nutritionist and online workout sessions, which anyone can join from home, help our employees in every way possible.

Not only internally we are online

We have already established ourselves as digital natives when it comes to open events: Reply Challenges are open to professionals, students and anyone who is interested in it. With the Code Challenge or the Investment Challenge, we show that events are also great fun online.

Completely uncompromised by Corona, we were able to successfully complete our Code Challenge on March 12th. During 4 hours time, more than 20.000 participants sat in front of their monitors at home and cracked the challenge together as a team and won great prizes.

And you? How is your company or university dealing with this?

Stay tuned, we want to tell you more about the #LifeAtReply during this particular period. Stay strong and safe, you all!



Reply U

We are Reply, the digital consulting company. What about U? Discover the #LifeAtReply and join the Replyers community. careers.reply.com